Event Logo Image
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Weigh-in/After Party Admission for Adult Non-Participant $0.00

Weigh-in/After Party Admission for Child Non-Participant $0.00

Extra T-Shirt (for Non-Registrants) $0.00
Enter Shirt Size(s) On Next Page

Promotional Hat $0.00

Promotional Sticker $0.00

Biggest Redfish Side Pot Buy-in $0.00

Most Spots on Redfish Side Pot Buy-in $0.00

Biggest Trout Side Pot Buy-in $0.00

Biggest Drum Side Pot Buy-in $0.00

Biggest Flounder Side Pot Buy-in $0.00

I would like to make an additional donation


Thank You, Sponsors!

On behalf of the St. James Episcopal School Fishing Tournament, thank you for your support!